Experience More:
The Summit for Work-Based Learning
Northwest Convening

December 7th, 8:00 am – 12:00 noon

CVCC Corporate Development Center
2664 U.S. Highway 70 SE Hickory,  NC 28602

The Experience More Summit on Work-Based Learning & NCBCE Annual Meeting is the launch of a new norm in North Carolina’s workforce development efforts and part of Governor Roy Cooper’s commitment to making sure all North Carolinians (our people and our companies) are ready for the jobs of today and prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.

Building on the good work that is happening in North Carolina, the summit will showcase a new model for engagement – one that is employer-led and built with the foundations of being able to share best-practices, access resources, and measure outcomes that allow for more informed, data-driven decision making.

The event will spotlight corporate leaders who understand the importance of playing an active role in developing their own talent pipeline and believe in aligning the organization’s talent acquisition strategies with through community investment efforts. The event will also serve as a platform to unveil new tools and frameworks that will help to scale work-based learning across the state, and provide opportunities for regional stakeholders to convene around the design of strategic action plans for their local communities.

Our Sponsors

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Summit Activities

Breakfast and Snacks Provided • Corporate Commitment to Education & Workplace Learning • Model programs • Work-Based Learning in Action • Executive Perspective on Work-BaseD Learning • Live Feed From Main Summit at Fidelity in Durham



December 7th, 8:00 am – 12:00 noon

8:00 am – 8:30 am           Registration at CVCC CDC

8:30 am – 9:30 am           Round table discussion

9:30 am – 10:00 am        Panel discussion with Industry Leaders

10:00 am – 11:30 am      Broadcast of Summit from Fidelity (Durham, N.C.)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm      Wrap-up

* Breakfast and Snacks Provided

CVCC Corporate Development Center
2664 U.S. Highway 70 SE Hickory,  NC 28602
Registration is Free


Registration Form