Q. What is work-based learning?
A. Work-based learning strengthens the state’s talent pipeline by providing North Carolinians with career awareness, career exploration, and real-world career experience to build employability and technical skills.
Q. Why is work-based learning important?
A. Work-based learning creates deeper connections between classroom curriculum and future careers. Work-based learning is a powerful tool for engaging, and motivating students. These experiences generate a more well-rounded education improving a students’ chance for future success.
Q. What does work-based learning have to do with this award?
A. The Governor’s Educator Discovery Award asks teachers to connect their proposed professional development opportunity with the work-based learning that happens in their classroom. Successful applicants explain how their professional development opportunity will enhance their ability to create work-based learning activities for their students.
Q. Where can I learn more about work-based learning?
A. More information about work-based learning can be found here. We also encourage you to check out NCBCE’s online marketplace for NC work-based learning opportunities, the Navigator.
Q. Who funds the Governor’s Educator Discovery Award?
A. The awards are funded by generous members of the North Carolina Business Committee for Education.
Q. Can I apply for funding to attend any professional development opportunity?
A. Yes, but applicants must specify their professional development opportunity ahead of time, and their choice will be evaluated as part of their application package. We encourage applicants to find a reputable professional development opportunity that will tangibly and meaningfully have a positive impact on their teaching.
Q. How do I find professional development opportunities?
A. Information about many professional development opportunities can be found online. In the past, recipients have attended a varied array of conferences, including the ISTE Annual Conference, the Broadway Teacher’s Workshop, and the Adobe Max Creative Conference. You can also ask other educators for professional development recommendations.
Application Process
Q. Can I start the application and then come back to it?
A. Yes, you should be able to start the application and return to it later as long as you are using the same browser on the same computer. Please note that if you do not open the application for three months, your responses will be deleted and you will have to start over.
Q. Can I see a copy of the application?
A. If you would like to draft your responses outside of the application form and then copy-and-paste them, you are welcome to do so. A copy of the application questions can be found here. Please note, however, that applications will only be accepted through the form.
Q. Who will review my application?
A. The application will go through three review processes. There’s an initial screen by NCBCE staff, after which applications are sent to members of the Governor’s Teacher Advisory Committee. The final review will be conducted by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education board members.
Q. How will my application be graded?
A. Submissions will be graded using a rubric. In general, the rubric rewards applicants who are detailed, specific, and meet the stated goals of the award.
Q. How do I upload my video?
A. First, please record a video no longer than 3 minutes. Then, follow the steps below.
Sign in to YouTube
In the top right-hand corner, click the camera icon and select “upload video”.
If you are prompted to create a channel, select “create” and drag your video file to upload.
Allow the video to upload, then in the right-hand corner select “Publish”.
After the video is published, share the video link on the application.
Q. Can I set my video as private?
A. No, videos must be marked either “public” or “unlisted.”
Q. Can I upload my video to an online platform besides YouTube
A. No, videos must be uploaded to YouTube for the application to be considered.
Q. How will award recipients receive the grant?
A. The grant award will be distributed on a case by case basis. For example, if an applicant is attending a conference, the conference will be paid directly on behalf of the applicant. Any remaining funds will be distributed by check.
Q. When will the winners be announced?
A. Winners are generally announced 30-60 days after the close of the application window.
Application Tips
Follow the directions in the application as precisely as possible.
Be as specific as possible in your responses.
Answer each question thoroughly. If a question has multiple parts, make sure you address each part of the question.
Make a clear link between your professional development opportunity and better work-based learning opportunities for your students.
Be professional. We do not expect Hollywood-level video production (smartphone cameras are fine), but you should be presentable in your video and we should be able to see and hear you clearly. Similarly, please give professional written responses.
Proofread your application.